Whole Life Challenge
The New Year Challenge starts Jan 17th! Many of our athletes found great success with the challenge last time. It’s is open to everyone. Members, Friends, Family, Facebook Friends, Anyone can join the team! CLICK HERE TO REGISTER – share this link with your friends to help them start something big!

New Year’s Schedule
Wed, 31st – Regular, Except NO 6PM or 7PM
Thur, 1st – 12PM Only


A) 4×10 Hollow/Arch Swings
B) 4×10-15 V-Ups
C) 4×8 Pistols (6 e/s)

6 Rounds:
30 Wall Ball (20/14)
4x40Y Shuttle Run (20 down + 20 back = 1x40Y)
10 Burpees
Rest 60 seconds between rounds

EMOM x 16 min:
odd min: 3 FS from ground @ 85-90% of clean
even min: 8 UB HSPU
(if you’re not able to do 8 UB then at whatever number you break at that’s the number you complete each round)