More details on BBQ/Games Watching Party/House Warming Party on Sunday… The competition events start at 1:00 so let’s kick things off around that time. We will have burgers and hotdogs. If we can have some people bring a few potluck items that would awesome. Bring whatever you want to drink (BYOB), we need an ice chest, ice, tea, side dishes, and whatever else you can think of. If you can bring something, please post what you are bringing to the comments section to let everyone know. If you have any questions, post to comments section. Everyone’s invited and welcome!
Also we got the final number for the CrossFit for Hope Fundraiser. Between all of the affiliates involved, we raised $13,491 for St. Judes. AWESOME.
WOD – “Captain America”
50 KBS (54/35)
25 Burpees
15 T2B
10 Clean & Jerk (Full Squat 135/95)
15 T2B
25 Burpees
50 Wall Balls (20/12)
Mobility work for remainder of class.