
WOD Warm-UpBike 3 Minutes 2 Sets20 Alternating Elephant Walk Step (hips piked high and alternating paused hamstring stretches)10 KB Mid Stance Goblet Good Morning (keep back neutral)10e/leg Kickstand Goblet Squats (pause 1sec at bottom)15 Ring Rows (1)...


WOD Warm-Up2 Sets8 Alt Shinbox Thoracic Rotation (4 per side)5 Inchworms10e/arm Side Plank DB Powell Raise (5-12#)10 Windmill (e/side) (3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQflPl9LjWk StrengthPush Press: 4 Sets of 4 reps (building) – every 90 secondsTempo:...


WOD Warm-up3 Sets500m Bike20′ Bear Crawls5 Burpee Pull-ups20′ Walking Prisoner Lunges StrengthBack Squat: 5 Sets to build up to a perfect 3RM Rest 2-3 minutes between sets ConditioningAMRAP in 3 Minutes – 4 Rounds:500m Bike8 Hang Squat Clean (95/65)...


WOD Warm-up2 Sets200m Run40′ Bear Crawls (20′ forward/20′ backwards)10 Alternating Push-up Pike Toe Touch3 Wall Walks or 5 Inchworms StrengthPush Press: 2 Sets (building) – 4/4/3/3/2Tempo: 30X1 Rest 2-3 minutes between sets ConditioningIn Teams...


WOD Warm-up3 Sets10 Calorie Bike10 KB RDL (18-44#)40′ Single Arm KB OH Carry (switch arms at 20′)10 KB Goblet Squat Strength1 + 1/4 Back Squat: Warm-up, then 3/3/2/2Rest 2-3 Minutes between sets. ConditioningCrossFit Games Open 21.3 RX (For Time) –...


WOD Warm-up24 Calorie Bike*every 6 Calories, perform 3 Burpee Broad Jumps (4 rounds) – try to make them more explosive per round Dynamic Warm-up/Stretches ConditioningFor Time:10-8-6-4DB Devil’s Press (35/20)*8/6 Calorie Bike After Each Set Rest 90 Seconds...