CrossFit Wylie has a group competing in the the Barbels and Handlebars Competition at Community Beer Company this Saturday If you are looking for something to do, come hang out and cheer everyone on! They are charging $10 for spectators but it goes to a good cause. And of course we have our normal 9AM and 10AM workouts at the gym!


Snatch: 15 minutes to find heavy single or work on technique

20 minute AMRAP:
9 Goblet Squats (53/35)
7 Pushups
5 Pullups
3 15M Shuttle Run (down 15M+back 15M=1)
Rest Exactly 30 Seconds

Clean & Jerk: Starting with an empty bar, work to max in 12 min in 8 attempts.
After time cap rest 2 min and drop 20% and complete 3 sets ME UB TNG Cleans (no jerk), rest 60 sec between attempts

Pause Back Squat: 4×2@60% w/ 3 sec pause