
Thanksgiving Schedule
Wed – Morning Classes Only
Fri – 12:00PM Only (More TBD)
Sat – 9:00AM & 10:00AM


1A) Strict Pull-Ups 4X3-5 @30X2 tempo
Rest 60 seconds
1B) Weighted Step Ups 4X6 each leg
Rest 60 seconds

2) 5 minute AMRAP of:
10 Pull-Ups
10 Wallballs (20/12)

Rest exactly 3 minutes, and then . . .

5 minute AMRAP of:
10 Abmat Sit-Ups
20 Mountain Climbers (each step is one rep)

Competition Training

Heads up: Friday we are doing a total, competition style. We want everyone together so we are going to start warming up at 630PM then lift as soon as the 6PM class is over (650ish). It’s a short session so we should be able to get out of there by 8.

Saturdays workout needs to be done on a track so we will meet at the gym at 11AM, grab some equipment, and head over to the Cooper Jr High Track.

1) Max Olympic Total – Competition Style, 3 attempts. Pick your openers wisely.

2) Back Squat 1X5@70-75%, 1X3@80-85%, 3X1@90-95%
Rest 2 minutes between sets.

3) For times:
9/7 Muscle-Ups
Rest exactly 60 seconds
7/5 Muscle-Ups
Rest exactly 60 seconds
5/3 Muscle-Ups

If you cannot do the muscle ups, do the following:
18/14 C2B Pullups + Ring Dips
Rest exactly 60 seconds
14/10 C2B Pullups + Ring Dips
Rest exactly 60 seconds

10/6 C2B Pullups + Ring Dips
Rest exactly 60 seconds