20/15 Calorie Bike into Dynamic Warm-up

2 Sets
20sec Heel Sit or 10 Reverse Nordic Curls
10 Dive Bomber Push-ups
20sec Side Plank Holds (e/side)
15 Pulsing Split Stance (e/side)

EMOM x 8mins
6 Front Squats (20X0 – 2sec descent) 

*Start at the same weight, or slightly higher, as last week or start around 60-65% of your 1RM and build as form permits

4 Rounds | 5 Rounds (Rx+) for Time:
20/15 Calorie Bike
Dbl KB FR Squat (35/25) | (53/35)
20′ Dbl KB Overhead Carry 
12 T2B
6 Dbl KB FR Squat
20′ Dbl KB Overhead Carry 
Rest 1 Minute

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