2 Sets
5 Slow Shoulder Extension Bridge
3 Paused Hollow + Arch (1sec pause ea pos)
10 Kipping Hollow Arch Swings
10 Heavy Russian KBS
40′ Burpee Broad Jumps

4 Sets
6 Deadlift (TnG Reps)
rest 2 min between sets

Start your work set around 60% and build up to 75-80% of 1RM as your form allows.

*Final 2 sets are RPE 8/10 – 2 reps left in the tank

2 Rounds for Time (25 Minute Cap):
100m Run
12 | 20 Unbroken Wallball (20/14)
12 | 20 Burpee to 6″ Target
12 | 20 T2B
100m Run
20 BB Hang Power Clean
20 BB Push Press
20 BB Thrusters
100m Run

Rest 2mins between rounds

Rx: 75/55 | Rx+ 95/65

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