2 Sets
10 BB Sumo Stance Goodmorning
12 Alternating BB Reverse Lunge
10 BB Thrusters
20sec Side Plank (e/side)
Hip/Hinge Benchmark: Warm-up to your bodyweight, then complete a set of deadlift for max unbroken reps.
Resting the bar on the floor for more than 2 seconds, or releasing your grip from the bar, constitutes to ending your set.
Scale by going 70% of your bodyweight.
3 Rounds x 4 Minutes for Reps (16 Minute Total):
100m Sprint
5 Power Snatch (95/65) | (135/95)
10 Burpee Over Bar | Bar Facing Burpee
Max Effort Wallball (20/14)
Rest 2 Minutes
Each Round = 4 minutes work + 2 minutes rest
Count WB reps only.