Weighted Supinated Chinups: 5×3
no rest
Max effort l-sit on rings or bar
rest 90 sec

For Time:
15 Strict Pullups
60 Wallballs (20/12)
Rest 1 Minute
15 C2B Pullups
40 Wallballs
Rest 1 Minute
15 Pullups
20 Wallballs

Muscle Snatch: 5 sets of 8 UB every 60 sec, increase load through all sets

12 min clock
4 min. banded shoulder distraction OR Box stretch
4 min. working on freestanding tripod position
4 min. working on freestanding HSPU

4 sets –
Pick a medium distance and HS walk to the wall, once to the wall, re-establish straight body and lower into 5 strict HSPU as able

Accumulate 2 min. Parrelette L-sit (focus on shoulder blades back and tight, if back curls, drop and reset )

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