“12 Days of Christmas” CrossFit Wylie Style…
For Time, Perform to like the song; 1, then 2-1, then 3-2-1, then 4-3-2-1, etc. until you complete 12-1.

1 – Power Snatch (135/85)
2 – Burpee Box Jump (24/20)
3 – Ring Dips
4 – V-ups
5 – Power Cleans (135/85)
6 – Toes to Bar
7 – Push-ups
8 – Wallballs (20/12)
9 – Deadlift (135/85)
10 – Pullups
11 – Front Squats (135/85)
12 – Shoulder to Overhead (135/85)


5 supersets
-8 e/side kneeling strict press (back leg = pressing side)
-8 e/side single arm DB bent row

4 sets – 30 ft. partner HS walk
-Kick into HS and have partner set feet to perfect straight body and walk

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