USA Weightlifting National Championships

In just 3 weeks (Aug 14-16) the best lifters from the country will meet at the Hilton Anatole in Dallas to lift for a the National Championship. CrossFit Wylie is proud to have qualified two lifters for this event, more than any other CrossFit Affiliate in the Dallas area!

Jourdan will be lifting in the 53kg A session on Friday Aug 14th at 330PM.

Erik is scheduled to lift at 900AM Saturday the 15th, in the 77kg C session.

We’d love to have a huge crowd of support for our lifters! All of the info can be found HERE. Tickets are only $5 if purchased ahead of time.


5 Rounds
10 Banded Pull-Aparts
10 Banded Monster Walks
30 sec. Couch Stretch e/leg

“Have a Ball!” Compare to 6/26
Rounds of 15-12-9-6-3 for time (15min cap):
Pushups with Hands on Slamball
Abmat Sit-Ups w/ Slamball

If the ball is dropped (other than pushups) you must complete 5 burpees before continuing to work. Rx is 20/12 wallballs to 10ft (above the grey). Rx Pushups: full range of motion without legs touching the ground.


6 Sets:
A) Strict KB Press: 6×10
rest 10 sec
B) 30 sec max rep inverted barbell row x 6 sets
rest 90 sec

End of Session:
6 easy rounds of 30 abmat situps + 5 perfect Shoulder IYT’s

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