9AM & 10AM Only Friday
Check Facebook Group for Open Gym Times
4 supersets, rotate every 90 sec:
10 Bent Over Rows w/ Bar
5 reps of 1 and 1/4 Front Squat*
*focus on vertical torso in every single rep
In teams of two, alternating complete rounds, for AMRAP in 20 min:
160ft Shuttle Run (20ft down and 20ft back x4)
5 Squat Clean Thrusters (135/85 | R+ 185/125)
Scale accordingly, each round should take 1 minute or less.
6 sets of 3 push press at 85% of 3rm from last week *hold the last rep OH for 8 sec. at the end of each set
6 sets (alt. chinup/pullup grip each set)
-8 strict chin/pull ups
-30 sec. HS hold on wall w/ hands on upside down ab mat
After Cond: 4 sets of 20 GHD situps