
Reminder – No 6PM this Friday. We will start setting up for CF4CF directly after the 5PM Class and have our Volunteer/Judge briefing at 630PM.


For those not competing in CF4CF:

Snatch: 60/3, 65/3, 70/3, 75/3, 80-85/2*3 sets
Not touch and go. 

EMOM x 21 min
0:00: 8 Thrusters (115/75 | R+ 155/105)
1:00: 6 Strict Pullups | R+ 2 Rope Climbs
2:00: 12 Abmat Situps | 12 GHD Situps

CF4CF Competitors:

Snatch: 60/3, 65/3, 70/3, 75/3, 80-85/2*3 sets
Not touch and go. 

4 Rounds for Quality:
6 Hollow/Arch Swings + 3 Toes to Bar
3 TNG Power Cleans (@ workout weight)
3 Shoulder to OH (@ workout weight)
3 Burpee Over Box

5 Minute Row
Max Calories in 20 seconds
Easy Pace for 40 seconds

Extra – Non CF4CF Participants only

Bench Press: 4×4 @ at one challenging weight @ 31X1 tempo

3 Rounds:
DB Floor Bench: 3×8
Alternating DB Bent Row: 3×20 (10 each arm)
DB Overhead Tricep Extension: 3×15

6 sets: 2 wall walks + 5 lateral steps in each direction

4 sets: 30 sec. single arm farmers carry e/arm

6 sets: 20-40 ft. HS Walk + max freestanding HS hold