4 sets:
5 turkish getups e/side building
5 wall walks

For Time (14 min cap):
60 Burpees Over Box (24/20)
*EMOM, including 1st min:
3 Thrusters (115/75)

Rest 3 Minutes then:
40 Cal Row For Time


5 sets
Weighted Dip: Build to 5RM
Hollow Hold on Pullup Bar: 60 seconds

OHS: APRE – Last week of 6s,, stay with it!
Set 1-50% of 6rm/10
Set 2-75% of 6rm/6
Set 3-Max Reps of 6rm
Set 4-Max Reps at Adjusted weight dependent on reps in set 3 as below
**Weight Change Based on Reps in set 3
Reps – Weight Change
0-2 – Decrease 5-10#
3-4 – Decrease 0-5#
5-7 – No Change
8-12 – Increase 5-10#
13+ – Increase 10-15#

15 skin the cats w/ pause at hollow, parallel, fully inverted and tucked

6 sets
1 strict MU + 1 kip MU from static arch + 2 regular kip MU

4 sets
20 ghd hip extensions
10 banded monster walks e/ direction

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