Notice how the bar reaches the hips prior to the high pull, and the explosive open to close action of the hips (during the lift, not at the end…).
Please be sure to pay your dues and all retail charges currently on your account. Thanks!
NO Saturday WOD this weekend due to the Girl’s mud run this weekend.
Gym Records are updated.
Does anyone have an indoor stereo system that’s not getting used? Something really loud that would work good in the gym…
12 X 1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch (full squat) @ 60% – rest 30sec
4 rounds for total working time of:
15 Wallballs
25 KBS (54/35)
Rest 1:1
NOTES: Think of these types of workouts as sprint intervals. The rest should result in all 4 rounds being done unbroken, as fast as possible.