Zombie Apocalypse… that’s what I train for. “Hurry up Dude, do a burpee!”

Happy early Birthdays to Erric (Sat.) and Amanda (Sun.)!

We are meeting at the gym to carpool on Friday. We will leave NO LATER than 6:45.

No Saturday WOD. Most of yall are going to the competition Friday night and won’t be wanting to do anything Saturday… and we are going to the Fair Saturday morning. I know this has turned into a long streak without a Saturday WOD, and I promise things will calm down one of these days!


In Teams of two, Complete For Time:

“Zombie Survival” (modified)
-50 Ball Slams, 20/12#
-50m KB Carry, 53/35#
-50 Over the Box Jumps, 30/24in
-50m KB Carry, 53/35#
-50 Overhead Lunges, 45/25#
-50m Partner Wheel Barrel

One person working at a time, except for the wheel barrel. Each person must participate at every station.