

This weekend the CrossFit Wylie Barbell Team went down to San Antonio for the State Weightlifting Championships. We had so much fun. Many of you have likely seen some posts, but I wanted to provide some details. First I have to give a huge shout out to everyone that drove down to support the team! We have an amazing time, and performing well was just a bonus.

I was lifting in the 77kg/169lb weight class and was able to match my PR Snatch at 96kg/211lb and crush a huge Clean & Jerk PR at 124kg/273lb for a 220kg total, which was my main athletic goal for 2014, better late than never. We haven’t seen the final numbers but think I ended up around 5th out of 13.

Laura lifted in the 53kg/117lb weight class and brought home her first State Championship! She finished up with a 57kg/125lb Snatch, narrowly missing her final attempt at 63kg/139lb. Then she nailed a 68kg/150lb Clean & Jerk and almost hit 74kg/163lb!

Last but certainly not least was Jourdan lifting in the 53kg/117lb youth (age 16-17) group. She hit all 6 of her attempts for a 67kg/147lb Snatch and a 82kg/180lb Clean & Jerk giving her a 149kg/328lb total. Jourdan ended up taking down Six State Records in the Snatch, Clean & Jerk, and Total in the Youth (16-17) and Junior (20 & under) Divisions! These numbers should result in her being the #1 Ranked Youth Nationwide in the 53kg class heading into the Junior National Championships next month!

Whole Life Challenge – NOT TOO LATE TO START!
58 participants on CFW’s team so far, and you can still sign up!
Benchmark workout on Monday.
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER – share this link with your friends too.

1 Day Oly Weightlifting Seminar – Sat, Jan 31
-9AM – 4PM (at the latest)
-$40 for Members / $80 for Non-Members
-Email crossfitwylie@gmail.com to register.

The Open – Starts Feb 26


Snatch: 50/3, 60/3, 70/2, 75/2, 80/2, 85/1, 90/1

Conditioning – “Whole Life Challenge Benchmark”
12 Min AMRAP:
1000M Row
30 Pushups
40 Lunges
50 Situps
60 Squats
ME Burpees
Record total number of reps completed (not including row).

AMRAP in 5 min:
6 Power Snatch (95/65)
2 MU

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