Derrick Johnson cleaning 149kg/328lb in the 62kg/136lb weight class.

Make sure all of your Open scores get posted on the Games website by 7PM.


A) Back Squat
5 sets of 2 @75-80%
After each set:
6-8 Handstand Pushups
2 Wall Walks with hold

B) Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes:
3 Power Cleans (165/115)
5 Burpees Over bar


Repeat 14.2


A) Power Snatch + Snatch + Snatch Push Press + Snatch Balance
4 sets of 1+1+1+1 @ 75%

B) Back Squat
3×1.1.1 (80/83/85) cluster: rest 10 sec beween singles and 3 min between sets.
Increase load to prescribed percentages each rep

C1) Strict Chest to Ring Pullups 4×5, weight if possible, rest 90 sec
C2) Close Grip Bench 4×5, rest 90 sec

D) EMOM x 8 min:
Odd Min:
5 Power Clean (135/95)
10 BJ (24/20)
Even Min:
5 Push Press (135/95)
10 Pullups