CrossFit Wylie Athletes represented well this weekend.

CrossFit Wylie GoRuck Team:

Project Mayhem:

Monday’s WOD

High Hang Clean – 8X1 heavy – rest as needed
Beginners – 15 minutes to work on technique

Four, 2 minute rounds to:
1X200M Sprint
AMRAP of Hang Squat Clean 135/95
Rest 2 min between rounds

Scale weight as needed (no more than 70% of 1RM). 

Competition/Weightlifting Announcement

This is the last week of the current weightlifting cycle. For various reasons we will be testing out Friday afternoon from 3pm – 5pm. Do your best to come during this time so we can work together and see everyone’s progress.

Starting next Monday, CrossFitters will began following a competition CrossFit training program again which will obviously still involve lots of weightlifting. If you want to train weightlifting specifically, we will have something for you to.