Two Golds and a Silver. Boom! Great job to everyone that participated!


1A) Push Press 4X5 – Build to heavy set
Rest 2 minutes
1B) Clean Pulls 4X3@85-95% of Clean 1RM
Rest 2 minutes. Perform these with PERFECT mechanics on first pull – chest up, weight balanced over mid-foot, load the hamstrings then accelerate with the hips.

2) Five rounds for max reps of:
30 seconds of KBS (53/35)
Rest 30 seconds
60 seconds of Burpees
Rest 2 minutes

Competition Training

New (modified Invictus) cycle starting Monday. Team meeting at 7:50PM. If you can’t make it let us know. Everyone needs to be there. 

1) Snatch Pull + Power Snatch + Snatch – 6X1 – Heaviest Possible
Rest 2-3 minutes

2) Split Jerk – build to a 90-95%
Work on footwork and solid lock-outs. If you press one out, drop the bar and do 20 push ups. Seriously. 

3) Back Squat – 5@80%, 3@85-90%, 1@90-95%, 3X10@65-75%
Rest 2 minutes

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