World Class Fitness in 100 Words.


Back Squat: 4@75%, 3×2@85%,  ME@85% up to 10 reps

AMRAP in 4 min:
1 Power Clean (135/95)
1 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95)
increase by 1 rep each round

rest 4 min

AMRAP in 4 min:
3 HR Pushups
3 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
increase by 3 reps every round, (70/53 for Rx+)


Snatch + Hang Snatch + OHS: 1 set of the complex every 90 sec: 3 sets @60%, 3 sets @70%, 3 sets @80%, then 3 sets to work to max weight for the complex.

Clean + Hang Clean + FS: 1 set of the complex every 90 sec: 3 sets @60%, 3 sets @70%, 3 sets @80% then 3 sets to work to max weight for the complex.

4 sets with a 2 min running clock:
100m shuttle run (25m down and back x 2)
ME Bar MU in remaining time
rest 2 min

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