Morghan King at the Amercian Open, Clean & Jerking near double her body weight.
200lb/91kg C&J at 105lb/48kg BW


1) Deadlift 3RM (touch and go with PERFECT posture and mechanics)
* Set 1 – 5@50% of possible 3RM
* Set 2 – 3@75% of possible 3RM
* Set 3 – 2@85% of possible 3RM
* Set 4 – 1@90-95% of possible 3RM
* Set 5 – Test 3RM
* Set 6 (optional) – Test 3RM
Rounded backs will be no repped. Zero tolerance.

2) 3 Rounds For Time:
20 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
15 Goblet Squats (53/35)
10 Strict Pullups


1) 1 Snatch, EMOM for 5 minutes @85-90%

2) 1 Clean & Jerk EMOM for 5 minutes @85-90%

3) Front Squat 3X2@85-90%
Rest 3 minutes

4) Two sets of:
25 Unbroken Pull-Ups
You should be working on speed and efficiency for these sets, stay relaxed and in rhythm – if you cannot perform 25 unbroken, perform only as many as you can unbroken. Rest exactly 4 minutes between sets.