A) Jerk
Work up to a heavy double in 12 minutes
B1) Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes:
4 Push Press
6 Toes to bar
If you run over, skip the next round.
Rest 5 Minutes
B2) 6 Rounds for Times (each, all out sprint):
10 Burpees
Rest 15 Seconds
A) Snatch off blocks below the knee 4×3@85%
rest 2 min
B) Front Squat
3×1.1.1 (75%,78%,80%)
rest 10 seconds between reps. 3 min rest
C1) Ring Dips (weighted) 4×5
rest 90 secs
C2) Horizontal Ring Rows (weighted) 4×8
rest 90 sec
D) EMOM for 10 minutes (10 rounds):
Odd Min:
10 Deadlifts (135/95)
6 Burpees over bar
Even Min:
5 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
5 Box Jumps step down (30/24)