
Thanks to everyone that donated food. 100% of the credit goes to Joey, what a great idea. Joey will be picking these up tomorrow for delivery to the local food bank.


Mon, Dec 30  – Regular Schedule
Tue, Dec 31   – Morning Classes ONLY
Wed, Jan 01  – Noon “Hangover WOD” ONLY

We’ve run into a scheduling conflict Monday afternoon. We will have all of our normal classes, but Julie will be in charge. It’s her first time all alone, be nice!


1) Front Squat – 12 minutes to find 3RM

2) For Max Reps:
3 Minutes of Box Jumps (24/20 step down)
1 Minute of Rest
3 Minutes of Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)
1 Minute of Rest
3 Minutes of Thrusters (95/65)


Perform the following six events against a running clock:

1) 5 Minutes of Rowing for Max Meters
2) 4 Minutes to Establish a 2RM Front Squat (off rack)
3) 3 Minutes of Ring Muscle-Ups
4) 4 Minutes to Establish a 1RM Shoulder to Overhead (off rack)
5) 5 Minutes of Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24/20)
Rest exactly 5 minutes, and when the clock reaches 26:00…
6) Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4 minutes of:
8 Thrusters (135/95 lb)
8 Alternating Pistols

Athletes must work off of a running clock – there are no rest periods except as noted between the fifth and sixth events. Athletes may use only one barbell for all phases of the day’s events.

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