

Five rounds for time (25 min cap):
400 meter run
15 Overhead squats (95/65)
If you’ve never done this, we recommend scaling by at least 10-20lb, even if you think Rx is going to be easy…

-rest 10 minutes before lifting-

Hang Snatch: In 12 min find max double without dropping the bar.


2 min. Tabata – Perfect Hollow/arch kips on Bar

3 sets –
– 3 TTB
– 3 PU
– 3 CTB
– 3 Bar MU

FS: EMOM x 8 min: 2 reps @ 80%

All 1 min. Tabatas in succession
– Russian Twist w/ 10-25# plate
– Situps w/ 10-25# plate
– Hollow scissor kicks
– Sprawl/Suitcase situps
Rest 1 min. and Repeat

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