What a great day of friends, community, and competition. Thanks again to everyone that made the 2015 CF4CF the best one yet!


FS/BS: 2 front squat immediately into 4 back squats: Complete 3 sets @ 80% of your FS

For Time (12 min cap)
50 Alt DB Snatch (50/35 |Rx+ 75/50)
Every 60 sec complete 5 Burpees
Any uncontrolled drop of a dumbbell is 20 burpee penalty.

Drop Snatch: 4×4 as warmup
From Blocks: Snatch + OHS: 60/6+1, 70/5+1, 75/4+1, 80/3+1, 85/2+1, 90/1+1, 85/2+1, 90/1+1, 85/2+1, 90/1+1

6 min. Alt EMOM
Even – 5-8 Strict Hollow Pos. Pullups
Odd – 5-8 Strict HSPU with 4″”/2″” deficit as able
Rest 3 min.
6 min. Alt EMOM
Even – 5-8 Strict Hollow Pos. Supinated Pullups
Odd – 5-8 Kipping HSPU

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