
“The wolf on top of the hill is not as hungry as the wolf still climbing the hill.”


Front Squat: 60/6, 70/5, 75/4, 80/3, 85/3

4 Rounds for time (15 min cap):
8 KB Thruster (53/35)
35 DU
8 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
rest 90 seconds
Max effort sprints each round. 


Before Class
A) Snatch Balance: EMOM x 5 min: 3 reps increase each set to medium load
B) Blocks Above Knee: Snatch Pull + Snatch: 60/3, 65/3, 70/3, 75/3*4 sets, rest 90 sec
C) Snatch Pull to top of knee: 90/2, 94/2, 98/2, 102/2, 105/1, rest 45 sec

Death by MU + 2 dips
(every minute until failure: 1+2, 2+2, 3+2 etc.)

After Class
10 min EMOM
-E – 30 sec. False grip hollow hold on rings (deepest false you can)
-O – 10 arch ups + 10 sec. Arch hold

8 sets: 8 V-ups + 15 hollow rocks

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