2 Sets
5 BB Kang Squats (goodmorning + squats)
5 Strict Press
5 Thrusters
5 Hang Clean Pull
5 High Hang Power Clean (from hip)

Clean Complex
4 Sets – Build weight on each set as technique allows

2 Clean Pull + 2 Power Clean

Start your working set at roughly 40% of your PC 1RM, or the same weight you used last week.

4 Rounds for Calories (2 Minutes Work/2 Minutes Rest):
6 Power Snatch (95/65) | (Rx+ see weight below)
6 Burpee Box Jump Over (24/20)
Max Calorie Bike in Remaining Time
Rest 2 Minutes

**(Rx+) Weight increases each round**
Round 1: 105/65
Round 2: 115/75
Round 3: 125/85
Round 4: 135/95

(2 Minutes of work + 2 minutes rest / total workout time = 14 Minutes)

Pick an appropriate weight that is challenging but allows for you to keep good form. This is a SPRINT workout – there is no pacing. 

Scale Burpee BJO with just box jump overs, if they take too long.

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