AMRAP in 24 minutes:
12 Kettlebell Swings (53/35 | R+ 70/53)
9 Front Squat (115/75| R+ 165/105)
6 Burpees | R+  3 Burpee MU
rest 2 minutes after every 3 rounds

Extra – After Metcon

3 sets of each:
10- 3 sec. tempo Hollow to arch to hollow
10- Perfect kips ONLY on rings (focus on activated scap and connected core/legs)
10- Perfect Kip + pull to rings (no turnover, again focus on connections)

In 10 min find max snatch using the following stipulations:
– must start with an empty bar
– must complete 1 rep every 30 sec

EMOM x 10 min:
odd min- FS x 2 @ 85%
even min- 6 Box Over Jump (24/20) don’t touch the top of the box

Accumulate 50 Toes to rings, don’t drop past a hollow position on descent

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