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Overhead Squat: 60/3, 70/3, 75/3, 80/3, 85/3

4 Rounds:
15 Thrusters (95/65 | R+ 115/75)
12 Toes to Bar
9 45’s Pushups | R+ Ring Dips
Rest 1 minute
*45’s Pushups are with hands on 45# plates. The chest breaks the plane of the plates but hips and knees are not allowed to touch the ground unless scaling. Elbows should allways be back and to the ribs.  


Strength: Before Conditioning (in place of strength)
A) Snatch Push Press + Pause OHS: 60/3+1, 70/3+1, 75/3+1, 80/3+1, 85/3+1
B) Blocks Above Knee: Snatch + OHS: 60/3+1, 70/3+1, 75/3+1, 80/3+1*3 sets
C) Snatch Pull to explode + Snatch Pull: 90/3+1, 95/3+1, 100/2+1, 103/1+1, 105/1+1

D) FS: EMOM x 6 min: 2 reps @ 80%

Skill: Before Conditioning (after strength)
A) 5 min. Freestanding tripod hold practice

B) 10 min. EMOM – 2-4 strict HSPU + 4-10 kipping HSPU as able

Midline: After Conditioning
200 alt. weighted russian twists
– every 25 stop and perfrom 5 weighted arch ups