

Front Squat: Every 60 sec complete 1 reps x 5 sets starting at 80% buiding to a 1RM

8 Rounds for Time:
5 TNG Clean & Jerks
10 Pullups
rest 60 seconds
*start at 50% on C&J and increase each set as able TNG


Power Snatch + Hang Snatch: 1+1: In 5 sets find max for complex then 3 power snatch @ 90% of max for the complex

Snatch Pull: 100/2*4 sets

3 Rounds of:
9 Strict HSPU
Rest 90 sec and add height between rounds. 

Then 3 Rounds of:
6 kipping HSPU
Rest 90 sec and add height between rounds. 

After Conditioning
50 GHD AFAP – Rest 2 min. Repeat