
Hoodies & Sweatpants: Now Available for Pre-Order!


Front Squat: 60/2, 70/2, 80/2, 85/2, 90/1, 96/1, Max/1
This is just a suggestion for warming up to a 1RM.

4 Rounds (25 min cap):
5 Hang Power Clean (135/95)
10 Pullups
50 Double Unders
10 Pullups
5 Hang Power Clean
2 min rest


As warmup:
– 5 min EMOM of…
3 Scapula Pullups
2 Strict Pullups
3 Perfect Hollow Arch kips
2 Perfect Kipping PU (no butterfly, focus on kip)

Snatch: 3 Stop Pull + Snatch – In 5 sets, max the complex then complete 3 sets of same complex at 85% of max weight from complex

Snatch Grip RDL: 100/4*4 sets, no straps, rest minimally

After Conditioning
10 min. EMOM
5 V-ups + 3 Candlestick Rolls


Perform 4 sets, hold each rep for solid 2 count, maintaining tension throughout movement)
A) 10 underhanded band pull aparts
B) 10 lateral band raises (lower cross band and lift to make the Letter T)
C) 10 front band raises (lift vertical straight overhead)

– 2 min. each leg Couch stretch

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