
Adult Olympic Weightlifting Technique Cycles (Ages 15+)
– 2 Classes per week for 6 Weeks
– Thurs 6PM & Sat 8AM starting March 30th
– Coached by USAW Certified Instructor Jeff Brinkman
– $150 for members / $200 for non-members

These classes are for all levels, and open to everyone but is the same level of training that has developed multiple National level weightlifters and National Record breaking lifts. We focus on proper movement and technique in the Snatch and Clean & Jerk, increasing safety, strength, efficiency, and enjoyment! The cycle lasts 6 weeks and is guaranteed to improve your lifts.

TO REGISTER, EMAIL jeff.brinkman@gmail.com


10 min. Alt EMOM
10 UB TTB or K2C
40 Double Unders

AMRAP in 12 min:
40/30 Cal Row
then in the remaining time:
4 DB Thrusters (50/s)
50ft Bear Craw | R+ 25ft HS walk
10 DB Renegade Row | R+ 3 Ring MU


Split Jerk up to 95% from the rack/blocks in 8 min starting with an empty bar

Work up to 90% of back squat max then complete 4 sets of 2 at 90% every 2 minutes