REMINDER: We are at the new facility Monday
120 Security Court, Wylie, TX


3 Rounds | R+ 4 Rounds (25 min cap):
20 Pullups | R+ C2B
15 Push Press (95/65 | R+ 15/75)
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
rest 90 sec


4 sets:
– 8 hollow/arch kips on rings
– 4 strict chest to ring pullups
– 2 Ring MU

Complete 2 min total free-standing HS Hold, use wall as needed. If this is easy practice alternating shoulder touches

Snatch up to 95% in 8 min starting with an empty bar

rest 3 min, then…

CJ up to 92% in 8 min starting with an empty bar

Accumulate 2 min L-Hang from pullup bar

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