Let’s try this again…



4 Rounds For Time with 5 minute running clock:
20 Wall Ball (20/14)
15 Toes-to-Bar
7/5 Strict Pullups | R+ 5/3 Muscle Ups
Use remaining time each round to rest.

7/5 and 5/3 refers to 7 for Males and 5 for Females and so on respectively. Record time for each round.


Before Metcon:
4 min EMOM: (focus on tight/snappy arch to hollow transition)
3 kips on rings + 3 kips w/ pull to chest
Rest 2 min, then 4 min. EMOM:
5 kipping HSPU + 10 sec. hold at top

After Metcon:
EMOM x 8 min: 2 Snatches + 1 OHS @ 80% of best snatch

EMOM x 6 min: 2 Cleans @ 80% of best clean

6 sets of 10 Hollow/arch rolls