25 MINUTE REP CAP – At the 25 min mark you must start your final run, add 1 sec for each uncompleted rep. 

Rx+ / Advanced
For Time:
800m Run
21 Thrusters (115/75)
5 MuscleUps
18 Thrusters
4 MuscleUps
15 Thrusters
3 MuscleUps
12 Thrusters
2 MuscleUps
9 Thrusters
1 MuscleUps
800m Run

Rx / Intermediate
For Time:
800m Run
21 Thrusters (95/65)
10 C2B Pullups
18 Thrusters
8 C2B Pullups
15 Thrusters
6 C2B Pullups
12 Thrusters
4 C2B Pullups
9 Thrusters
2 C2B Pullups
800m Run


A) Blocks @ knee: Snatch: every 90 sec: 50/3, 55/3, 60/3, 65/3, 70/2, 75/2, 80/2*6 sets
B) FS: EMOM x 6 min : work up to 80% of FS and complete 2 FS every minute
C1) KB Alternating Strict Press: 4×6 each arm
C2) Double KB Bent Row: 4×12

A) 2 min. Box Shoulder Stretch
B) 3 min. Tabata Chin and Toes HS hold
C) 3 min. Tabata shoulder shrugs

D) 8-12 min. as able – Every 2 min – 20-50 ft. HS walk + Max static HS hold at end