
2015 CF4CF

We have over 70 teams signed for this Saturday’s CF4CF Fundraiser. We hope to raise over $11,000 for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, but we can’t do it without your help! We need volunteers, mostly for judging! If you can help please SIGN UP as a volunteer HERE! The event will go from 8AM to around 3PM. You do not have to be there the entire time to make a difference, and even if you signed up, you can help between your events so sign up as a volunteer! We will have a volunteer meeting Friday Night at 6PM to set up a few things and go over the events. 

This Weekend’s Schedule:
Friday: NO 6PM CLASS
Saturday: NO CLASS


Front Squat: Every 90 sec: 60/5, 65/5, 70/5, 75/5*3 sets

5 Rounds for Time (24 min cap):
400m run
15 Pullups
25 Wall Ball (20/14)


Before Class
Snatch Push Press: 5×3 up to heavy triple

Blocks Above Knee: Snatch + OHS: 60/3+1, 70/3+1, 75/3+1, 80-85/3+1*3 sets
only increase load as technique allows, remember we are working on precision of movement not overall load

Snatch Pull, pause at knee: 100/2*3 sets

12 min. Alt EMOM
E – 10 weighted ring rows
O – 6-10 weighted chin-ups

5 sets – kip consistency, try to stay on bar
-2 bar MU + 4 TTB + 2 CTB + 4 PU

After Conditioning
5 min. Tabata – on bar
:10 sec L-sit hold + :10 sec. hollow hold + 10 sec rest