AMRAP in 8 min:
10 Power Snatch (75/55)
100m Run
rest 8 min and repeat
Record number of reps for each AMRAP

Front Squat: 6 sets of 3 Reps @ 75%
60 seconds rest between reps


Snatch (before FS): 4 sets of 2 @ 80%, rest 60 sec between sets

Front Squats here if you Snatch…

5 sets – Tempo Ring Kip – all on rings:
1 set = 3 cycles through
– Hollow hold – 5 sec.
– 3 sec. tempo transition to arch
– Arch Hold – 5 sec.
– 3 sec. temp transition to Hollow

4 sets of 3.3.3 muscle ups:
Rest 2 min. b/n each set
Scale number of reps as needed.

120 Hollow rocks for time