Hang Snatch + OHS: 60/2, 70/2, 75/2, 80/2, 83-85/2*3 sets

For Time (20 min cap):
1000M Row
then 3 Rounds of
20 Kettlebell Swings (70/53)
15 Push Press (135/95)
50 DU

Extra Strength
A) Snatch Push Press + OHS: 50/6+1, 55/5+1, 60/4+1, 65/3+1, 70/2+1
B) FS/BS: 4/8 x 3 sets @ 80%; 4 FS followed immediately by 8 BS @ 80% of FS

Extra Gymnastics
A) Every 30 sec. x 10 – Tuck Front Lever Negative from Inversion w/ :03-:05 sec pause at parallel
B) 9 min. Emom – Min 1: 5 Strict CTB pullups – Min. 2: 10 Hollow/Arch swings – Min. 3: 8 CTB pullups

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