ascent-pure-whey-protein-and-casein-protein-for-athletesAscent Whey and Casein go on sale Monday! They will be visiting us the next couple of days (Monday’s evening classes, and Tuesday’s morning classes). They will be handing out samples, explaining the benefits of using protein, explain why they are the best option, and answer any and all questions you may have. 


Power Snatch + Full Snatch: 6-8 sets, start at 50% and build

15 Rounds – AMRAP – 60 sec on/30 sec off:
Rd 1 – Thrusters (75/45)
Rd 2 – 25ft. Shuttle Run (each cone touch =1)
Rd 3 – Russian KB swings (53/35)

*R+: 21 Rds / 35/25DB thrusters / 70/53KBs


Pause Back Squat – Every 2 min for 12 min:
2 BS each w/3 sec pause in rock bottom
*build to max for the day

3 sets as warmup: 5 sec. arch hold + 5 sec. hollow hold + 5 H/A swings on rings
3 sets of 5-8 MU AFAP – rest as needed, focus on tight efficient movement