CubFit News: I’m sure you’ve noticed that the kids class ended up being larger than we expected. We are changing things to ensure the kids are getting everything they can from the classes, and to ensure the safety of the kids until we can make better arrangements for more space:
-Tuesday’s kids class will be ages 9+ only (no exceptions) at 6:30pm.
-Saturday morning we will have a kids class for ages 5-8 (no exceptions).
-Ages 4 and under simply require a different program and more direction, and we have to make this change until we can create a separate “Pre-K” class.
Saturday’s Schedule:
8:00-8:30 CubFit (Age 5-8)
8:30-9:30 Weighlifting (Open to Everyone)
9:30-10:30 WOD
12 min of Clean practice (Full Squat)
For Time:
14 Pullups
10 Wall Balls 20/12#
12 Pullups
15 Wall Balls 20/12#
10 Pullups
20 Wall Balls 20/12#
8 Pullups
25 Wall Balls 20/12#
6 Pullups
30 Wall Balls 20/12#
1) Snatch: 3X1@85%, 2X1@90%, 2X1@95%, 2X1@90%, 3X1@85% – rest 30-60 seconds.
2) Clean & Jerk: 3X1@80%, 2X1@85%, 2X1@90%, 2X1@85%, 3X1@80% – rest 30-60 seconds.
10min practicing Bar Muscle-Ups