
Chase and Jeff will be coaching Monday and Tuesday while I’m in Tulsa getting the CrossFit Wylie Car and Crew sorted out for the Lucas Oil Chili Bowl Nationals. We will be racing Friday and Saturday.

Regular Schedule Monday.


15 minutes Hang Snatch technique work.


3 rounds for time of:
15 C2B Pull-ups
12 Burpee Over-the-Box Jumps 24/20″
9 Power Cleans 155/95#


30 V-Ups


1) Snatch: 5X1 @ 80%, 3X1 @ 90%, 2X1 @ 95%, 8X1 @ 70%
rest 60-90 sec. between each rep through sets of 90%
then 30 sec. between each rep at 70%
reps @ 70% should be alternating between Power and full Squat

2) Clean & Jerk: 5X1 @ 80%, 3X1 @ 90%, 2X1 @ 95%, 8X1 @ 70%
rest 60-90 sec. between each rep through sets of 90%
then 30 sec. between each rep at 70%
reps @ 70% should be alternating between Power and full Squat


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