Thanks to everyone for working with Jeff and Chase so well over the Holidays and last week while we were racing. Now back to work…


15 minutes of Hang Squat Clean Practice


4 rounds for total time of:
8 Hang Squat Clean to Thrusters 115/75#
12 Burpees Over Bar
16 KBS 24/16kg
Rest 1 Min
20 min time limit


1) Snatch: 5X1 @ 80%, 2X1 @ 90%, 3X1 @ 95%, 8X1 @ 70% – rest 60-90 sec. between each rep through sets of 90%, then 30 sec. between each rep at 70%, reps @ 70% should be alternating between Power and full Squat

2) Clean & Jerk: 5X1 @ 80%, 2X1 @ 90%, 3X1 @ 95%, 8X1 @ 70% – rest 60-90 sec. between each rep through sets of 90%, then 30 sec. between each rep at 70%, reps @ 70% should be alternating between Power and full Squat
