

In teams of two, complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 30 minutes of:

400 Meter Run
30 Box Jumps (24/20)
30 Wallballs (20/12)

Team members will alternate tasks, with only one member working at any one time. Thus, Partner A will run 400 meters, Partner B will perform 30 Box Jumps, Partner A will perform 30 Wall Ball Shots, and Partner B will run 400 meters – and so on for 30 minutes.


A) 2 Clean from 3in deficit + 1 Push Jerk
4 sets @70%-75%
rest 90 sec

B) Pause Front Squat
4 sets of 2 @ 70%, pause 2 sec @ bottom
rest 60 sec

C) 3 Rounds:
30 sec ME MU, no rest
60 sec hollow/arch hold: every 15 sec rollover to opposite position.
Hold the hollow position x 15 sec, without relaxing rollover to arch (superman) position x 15 sec for 1 minute total

D) 5 Rounds for Times:
5 Ground to Shoulder (135/95)
5 Box Jump w/ Step Down (24/20)
50m sprint
rest 3 min between rounds