Classes at 9AM & 10AM.
Please don’t park on the curb next to the gym, we’ll need the room.


In teams of three, one partner working at a time, 30 minute AMRAP of:
200M Sled Drag (90/45, one partner pulling at a time)
45 Abmat Sit-ups
45 Burpees

Adjust weight as needed, should be a slow step-by-step drag


A) Snatch from blocks (below knee): Snatch Pull x 3 + Snatch x 2
4 sets@75%
rest 90 sec

B) Front Squat
4×2@70-75% @ 33X1 tempo
rest 90 sec

C) 30 sec ME Pistol, 60 sec rest x 4 sets

D) 8 Rounds for Times:
8 HR Pushups
40M Sled Drag (225/135)
Rest 2 min

Get the chains out, throw some plates on a pallet and start dragging. 

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