Saturday Schedule
8:30AM Open Gym
9:30AM Team WOD


In teams of three, one partner working at a time, complete the following for time:
150 Burpees
200 Kettlebell Swings
250 Abmat Sit-Ups
300 Air Squats
1800 Meter Relay Run (600 each)

Extra) Snatch Balance – 15 minutes to build heavy single, use jerk blocks.

Competition Training

1) Take 10-15 minutes to practice 2-3 gymnastics movements with which you struggle most.

2)Three 5-minute rounds for max reps of:
1000M Row
AMRAP of Muscle-Ups w/ remaining time.
Rest 5 minutes between rounds
If you don’t have MU, use jumping or banded version w/ false grip

3) Mobilize and rest up . . . Testing Week begins on Monday.

If you want to participate in the competition training try to complete finish the skills test and come talk to me before we start testing on Monday. Here’s the people that are good to go:
Stephen, Caleb, Justin, Charlie, and the Coaches.
The rest of you need to finish your sheets and come talk to me, pass or fail.