8:30 Competition Training / Open Gym
9:30 WOD
Technique Progression
A lot of you have asked how to get more practice with the lifts and technique. Even some of the people doing the competition training feel like they aren’t as sharp if they don’t perform the lifts daily. I highly recommend practicing the lifts every day. This does NOT mean you need to lift heavy, or put any weight on the bar at all. By simply doing the Snatch or Clean warm-up with empty barbell in addition, you will continue to train the receiving positions, the bottom positions in the squat, and speed under the bar.
We have some awesome new posters showing progression in each lift. I highly suggest you work on those progressions as part of your warm-ups or cool-down. Here are the basic warmups we typically run through before lifting:
The Snatch Warmup – Everything in Triples
Jump Shrug
High Pull
Muscle Snatch
Landing Position (non-heaving)
Sotts Press
Duck Walk
Tall Snatch
The Clean Warmup – Everything in Triples
Jump Shrug
High Pull
Muscle Clean
Landing Position (from scare crow)
Front Squat
Duck Walk
Tall Clean
Extra) Back Squats – 2X3@70%, 2X2@75%, 2X1@80-85% – Tempo: 3 sec down, 3 sec pause at bottom, explode up
In teams of four, complete three rounds each of:
Row 500 Meters
Air Squats x 40 reps
Burpees x 20 reps
Teams get only one work station per exercise and one rest station. Athletes may not advance to the next work station until their preceding teammates have completed their work at that station.
Competition Training – Test Week – Final Day
For time:
20 Deadlifts (245/165 lbs)
30 Over the Box Jumps (24”/20”)
40 Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)
50 Double-Unders
50 Cal Row
50 Double-Unders
40 Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)
30 Over the Box Jumps (24”/20”)
20 Deadlifts (245/165 lbs)