Great night at the CrossFit Dallas Central Olympic Weightlifting Meet. PR’s and loads of fun. Highly recommended! Highlight video coming Sunday…

Regular schedule Saturday


In teams of two, complete 20 min AMRAP:
20 Power Cleans (135/95)
20 Toes to Bar
400 Meter Run

Partners can divided up the cleans and toes to bar however they’d like, but only one partner works at a time. For the run, both partners are running together and must stay within arm’s reach. For scoring purposes, the run is worth 4 reps (100M=1 rep).

Competition Training

Keep a running clock for all portions of this workout.

1) Three rounds for time of:
40 Double-Unders
15 Toes to Bar

2) MODIFIED – When the clock hits 5:00, perform the following:
Three rounds for time of:
15 Thrusters (115/75 lbs)
20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups

3) When the clock hits 15:00 (10 min cap), perform the following:
Three rounds for time of:
15 Deadlifts (225/145 lb)
20/15 Handstand Push-Ups

Record all three times. If you come up short on a section, record +1 sec for each uncompleted rep.