
“CrossFit Liftoff Event 3”
AMRAP in 15 minutes of:
25 pull-ups
50-calorie row
100 overhead squats
50 box jumps
25 pull-ups

M 45-lb. barbell and 24-in. box
F 35-lb. barbell and 20-in. box


A) 4 sets of 3: front rack sotts as warmup
B) Starting w/ empty bar… 11 min. clock to find max for complex: Clean + Hang clean + Jerk
C) 3 sets of 3: Tall snatch as warmup
D) 8 total attempts to work to max Snatch + OHS for the day

4 rounds at a steady pace
– 8 clapping/plyo pushup
– 5 strict pullups + 5 sec. Hold w/ chin over bar
– 8 hollow rocks
– 10 sec. hold w/ chin over bar-chinup grip