In Teams of Two, Alternating Complete Rounds, for 5 Rounds Each for Time:
100M Sprint
5 Power Snatches (135/95)
5 Burpee Box Overs (24/20)
*Scaled Weight: 60% of best snatch


5 min – EMOM: Power clean + FS + Push Press building
-rest 1 min.
9 min. – Every 90 sec. (6 sets): Full Clean + Power Jerk building
-rest 1 min.
4 min. to find max full clean thruster

Find 1rm BS w/ 10 sec. pause in the bottom

3 sets of 10 jerk grip OHS as warmup

Accumulate 50 kipping HSPU
*after every 5 reps hold the top for 10 sec.

8 min. alt Tabata
-Hanging Hollow hold
-Hanging L-sit hold

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